Using data valitation list from another sheet.

I remember someone comment this tip on some other site as a true excel “doh” moment…

If you want to use validation in a cell from a list of values from another sheet, you have to create a named range for that list first. (Insert>Name>Define) Then when you select the validiation range (Allow: List) you have to select the source box and press F3 to get the list of named ranges.

Please leave a comment, to let me know if this helped you or if I have to change anything to make things clear.

Create gauges that work like a fish-eye picture menu

My first attempt to write a Xcelsius “tutorial” is how I did to create gauges that work like a fish-eye picture menu. You can find it here:

Create gauges that work like a fish-eye menu

Best beer for Xcelsius work.

samuel.jpgAfter a large number of thoroughly testing I found out that Samuel Adams Boston Ale is one of the best beer to drink during long Xcelsius hours.

  1. Buy three botles of Samuel Adams Boston Ale before you start your Xcelsius work. Put two in the fridge and start drinking the first beer when you thinking of your project. When the first bottle is empty then you should have a clear picture of what you would like to accomplished with your work.
  2. Start Xcelsius and open the second beer (it have now been some time in the fridge). Do your magic with Xcelsius and drink your second beer.
  3. By the time your second beer is empty you should be finished with your Xcelsius project if every things run smooth. Now its time to open your third beer (the cold one) and sit back and enjoy both a cold beer and your Xcelsius presentation.

BTW tonight I did two new Xcelsius “tutorials” but for some reasons I think it’s better to let them rest here for a while before posting them..